It’s very rarely that you get any kind of food tips in my blog (how about never)
But today it’s about to happen.
And it’s a beautiful olive oil that I can recommend to you guys – which is quite new on the swedish market. Golden Bless Olive Oil.
To be honest – I don’t really cook, ever. So the first reason I chose to recommend this particular oil is because I really like the guys that work with it – and I’m happy to help them promote this product in any way I can.
How ever, my significant half [my very own swedish chef as well] does like to cook – and he is really good at it. And he liked this oil a lot, for real. Which actually gives the whole thing a lot more credibility. 🙂
So if you’re curious enough to try – visit some of the stores that offers the oil – or ask for it in your very own store, so they’ll bring it in eventually.
Happy Monday y’all!