Copenhagen gig!

I ‘ve had two fun days in Copenhagen with the awesome crew and a gig at Copenhagen Pride.
Here – waiting for sound check

And yes, I did drink the water.
I heard it was some kind of pollution – but I didn’t hear it until I was back in Sweden… I guess we’ll see what happens!
Luckily there was plenty of Red Bull as well – which not suffered any pollutions!

Josefin and me, backstage!

And now, I’m back in Stockholm – and the rest of this weekend will be dedicated to various choreo-rehearsals. Tons of it!!

Today rocked!!

Earlier tonight I taught my wednesday night steet class at Fridhemsplan.
I did the freak show choreo from earlier this spring.
It was amazing. So much fun!! I love you beautiful people!

And, tomorrow I’m heading to Copenhagen for another dance gig with Jonas. This time it’s only half the crew, so it’s me and Josefin that’s flying down for some rainbow gala.
Rådhusplatsen is the place – and we’ll be on stage around 20.30-ish. So if you’re around – come by!
Josefin Åsa Cafét
Josefin & me at a gig we did at Café Opera – waaaaaaay back in the days, lol. Here with Magnus as well (yeah – it’s a wig)

This means that I’m not teaching my thursday-classes at Odenplan this week.
Mirco is subbing my jazz and Ann is subbing the core class right after.
So – I see you monday night at the bridge again, for some Cannibal choreo.

From the fall schedule – w. 35 – it’s all new choreos again.

Personal Trainer – the (new) dream?!

Guys.. have you noticed the personal trainer mania that’s going on?
At least in Sweden at the moment. Everyone – and then I mean e v e r y o n e is becoming a personal trainer.
Why is that, you think?

It’s not really hard to “become” it – it’s just a two weeks training in most cases, then you do two tests, one practical and one theoretical to get the certification.
I guess it’s harder to really succeed. (as in most professions I’d say)

I studied at the college of naprapaty like a hundred years ago. (Naprapathögskolan)
The education it self it four years – and then it takes about one year of different practices and internships to get the licence after.
I just did the first half of the education. I didn’t like the school or the mentality there – and I realised pretty soon that the job: naprapat1 wasn’t for me. But that’s not really the point here…

Back then the personal training school sometimes borrowed the facilities for their workshops.
And, I remember some of the dudes that were complaining to us; “ooooo you guys at least have four years to learn this shit – we need to do it in two weeks”

Those who said that – they were like the everlasting joke at the school. I don’t really think I need to explain why – right?!

I think people are more aware now, which is good!
Or I thought – cause yesterday I accidently browsed by a blog of an acquainted to me – where she wrote:
I’m so excited for my personal training workshop – we’ll learn all the same anatomy and stuff as a ‘naprapat’ – but what they do in four years we’ll learn in two weeks – it’s gonna be a bit hard but fun.

Well – I like that she’s ambitious, and I believe she will succeed, cause she seems in to it. But I hope her perspektive will change.

It’s like if I should go for an intense scincare/dermatology workshop for a couple of months and then say:
“yeah, you know what a plastic surgeon learns in their training we need to compress and learn in a couple of months.. hard but exciting! ”

Anyhow –  I honestly don’t believe it’s the training that decides if you’re gonna make it as a personal trainer. It’s more about the attitude, the self awareness and the personality. And – of course – the results you get with your clients!!!

I’d never go for a hard core fitness competitor if I was about to pick a trainer for me – cause that’s not my ideal, I wouldn’t go for a cozy softish more of a therapist-wannabe either.. cause that’s just not my style.
Or a know-all-black-and-white-kind of guy, cause that’s just annoying. ; )

I would pick someone that inspires me, by their personality, and also by looking like – and seems like they share my philosophy.

A long post about absolutely nothing impotant – really… more than a clueless analysis. Sorry about that! It’s a good thing you can stop reading when ever you want, right?

Do you wanna become a personal trainer too?
I do recommend personal training school – I think it’s a great way to start! 
How ever, you won’t learn the same thing as a naprapat – so if that’s what you’re aiming for – apply directly to that shool instead.

1 Naprapat – simular to a chiropractor, with an equal education. It’s both manual medicine, but with some differences in the treatment philosophy.

Sunday in Växjö!

So – this weekend in Växjö kicked off the convention season after the summer holiday. It was Korpen who organized this convention and it was about 300 people that attended.
I presented three classes, Tribal House, Urban Jazz and BODYJAM®

The main crowd at this event was not that into dance classes I’d say, but the people that did like to dance and took these classes were awesome.

We were in a big gymnasium a bit outside the city center, and when I taught my first class it was only one of the speakers that worked in my studio – since Robert blew one of them on his class before me.
And – on his other class he blew the second as well.. so for my BODYJAM® (which was the last class) I had to hook up with this little buddy
korpen konvent växjö
It turned out to be more base and power in this than in the regular sound system that Teleborgshallen offered though.
But like the janitor-guy said; the sound system has been there since 1979… so no wonder the speakers blew. So, I guess Rob did them a favour. 🙂

Åsa Robert
Emma Åsa
Awesome Emma Johansson was also one of the presenters – and it was great to hang out with her for a bit in her home town.
Rob Lena Emma
Robban and Emma with Lena – the big boss for the event.
Thank you so much for inviting me.

Your next challenge?!

Are you thinking about becoming an instructor in BODYJAM®?
I’m doing the next initial training module in Stockholm, 23rd-25th of September.
Sign up for it by emailing

Do you have any questions about the training or about start teaching the program – here’ your opportunity, just shoot!

The training will be held on release 58 – which we’re launching on Super Saturday in a couple of weeks.
Btw – it’s 1900 people signed up for Super Saturday!
I hope I’ll see YOU in the front row on the BODYJAM® master class.


Tomorrow morning I’m off to Växjö – for the first convention of the fall season 2011. (Yes fall season, despite the fact that it’s still summer)
The ToppConvention on sunday.
I’m gonna present three classes; Urban Jazz, Tribal House and BODYJAM.

It’s gonna be FUN!!! 
Time to pack the bag – and to do a bit of music prep.


This summer has been (and is) fantastic!

A bright beginning in Stockholm – some oriental-european luxery in Istanbul – a magic month in NYC – a fun last week of freedom and Pride – followed by a happy come back with my classes.

Like I’ve wrote before.. I am lucky!
Lucky and happy!
And grateful!
And the summer is not over yet – not a chance.
It’s kind of depressing when people start acting as it’s all over now…or longing for the fall (??!) but I choose to believe it will be summer for a lot longer!

Many thanks to this talented designer that helped me make the opening event of the summer purple and precious.  I love my dress!

Back in biz

Sooo… I kind of disappeared, it was really not my intention though.
The weekend was awesome!
Jonas did a great performance, and our song went really well.
It was so much fun to perform on that stage in front of 10 000 peeps a Stockholm summer night.
Pride 2011 KungsträdgårdenPhoto: Åsa I.
Here’re the dance biscuits…
Dans tjejer Pride
And the dance dudes…
Pride Dans killar jonas
And, me with the lovely singers, Linda & Anna-Mia!
AnnaMia Linda sång Pride Photo: Anna-Mia

From the grand finale… with all the people mingeling and party-ing on stage…
Pride Stora Scenen I am Photo: Micke
Yeah! Last years Halloween-costume was a perfect fit for this one.

And now I’m back teaching classes – I’ve done some reruns this week:
Monday – S&M
Wednesday – Where them girls at
Thursday – I wanna go
It’s been fun to see all my happy dance peeps again – and also a bunch of new people (to me).

The word of the day: circadian!

So – I think I’ve got some clearity in how my schedule at SATS will look like this fall…
As it is now, like this:

Mon 12.00 BODYBALANCE™ Tule
Mon 18.00 Core St Eriksbron
Mon 18.30 Street St Eriksbron
Tue 06.45 BODYBALANCE™ Hornstull
Tue 11.00 BODYBALANCE™ Hötorget
Tue 12.30 Core Tule
Wed 06.45 BODYBALANCE™ Fridhemsplan
Wed 17.30 Street Fridhemsplan
Thu 19.00 Jazz Odenplan
Thu 20.00 Core Odenplan

After four days with an extremely weird circadian (circadian = dygnsrytm, had to google translate that word – didn’t have a clue) and after yet another night of rehearsal I’m pretty wasted. But it’s been a good day with good hang out.
Like these chicas for example

Annica Soffan Åsa

And, from tonights practice…

Enjoy your friday night!

Pride rehearsal!

As I mentioned the other day we’re doing a gig on saturday, at Stockholm Pride(Kungsträdgården)
It’s my homie – as well as the rockstar – Jonas that performes. 
First, he’s gonna do two older songs, with some great (superflexibel) male dancers, and then it’s his new single: Discover the night – which I choreographed. 
And, it’s me and three other lovely ladies that are dancing.

Then – as the grand finale he’s performing the 2011-version of his official Pride song from 10 years ago; I am what I am.  And the 2011’s edition is together with Afrodite (who’s a swedish pop/disco group) 
It will be a huge crowd on stage for that one!
If you wanna stop by, we’re supposed to be on stage 21.31

Some pics from tonight’s rehearsal
Sara Jossan Åsa Åsa
Pride rep killar jonas
Mia =  a serious pipe, she’s one of the back up singers.
The star himself!

PS, Both I am what I am and Discover the night is available on Itunes – just sayin’