Re-cyclade trender!

Träningstrender kommer och går – men innehållet består!
Ganska så ofta iallafall.
De senaste åren så har det kommit massa bra, roliga, coola – och kanske även några mindre lyckade – träningskoncept.
Och, om det är en rolig klass som mottas positivt av den stora massan så blir det en hype omkring det som sprider sig vidare runt om i landet.
Men vad är det egentligen som gör ett träningskoncept framgångsrikt?
Är det viktigaste att vara kreativ och innovativ när det gäller innehållet?
Nej! Men däremot kreativ när det gäller att packetera och namnge konceptet. Tror iallafall jag.
Två klasser kan i stort sett vara likadana men den ena blir succé och den andra dör ut. Jag tror inte slumpen avgör.

Några exempel på recyclade nyheter:
Zumba – själva innehållet är inte direkt något revolutionerande.
Det har ju funnits olika typer och former av latinklasser inom gruppträning hur länge som helst. Men det har liksom aldrig riktigt slagit igenom stort. Inte förrän någon kommer på ett bra namn som får det att låta som en helt ny grej. Och sen fronta upp med snygga människor och mycket färger.
Och inte minst – få bra “röster om träningsformen” och hypa upp det genom TV-reklam. Folk som dissat latinklasser tidigare är numera Zumbalovers.
BRA jobbat av Zumba-skaparen säger jag! Det är bra business!

Eller SH’BAM™ – som är det nya programmet från Les Mills.
Som – egentligen är gymping.
Ett steg på versen och ett steg på refrängen, låt för låt med några låtar där impact och intensitet stiger.
Men det är i en betydligt poppigare variant med kommersiell musik – ett betydligt roligare namn än “gymping” och med en attraktiv marknadsföring omkring det. Success! Vilket är grymt!

Eller alla varianter som finns för att träna sitt ass. : )
Mage/rumpa/lår, BLT, Bootey etc.
I stort sett samma innehåll, men det är namnet och packeteringen av det som kommer att avgöra vilken målgrupp som kommer och hur bra det kommer lyckas.

Det finns massa bra exempel att inspireras av!

Så om DU funderar på att starta ett koncept…

  1. Tänk ut ett bra namn, ett namn som fastnar och som väcker nyfikenhet men samtidigt är enkelt.
  2. Packetering! Ett rosa glansigt paket är ju roligare än tidningspapper…bildligt talat. Och, vilka ska vara målgruppen
  3. Vem ska fronta? En grym spokesperson kan vara halva grejen! Inte att underskatta!

Så om du gått och tänkt på att göra just din favoritklass till ett nytt koncept – fundera inte längre, just do it!
Slå in den i ett fint paket och go for it!
Lycka till!

Hip hop abs – smoking hot i USA. : )

A sunday…

…very well spent with my BODYJAM®dvd – and in front of the mirror.
And a quick date with Åsa E that was up this weekend for a Les Mills gig.

The event for the weekend: Topphälsa Training Camp STHLM – that the magazine Topphälsa organized was a hit.
A lot of lovely people with a great vibe and spirit in the same room. Awesome!
Two of the ladies that came for the event was Eva and Cathrine from Norrköping
And Cathrine gave me a book that she wrote (how cool is that?!) – as a thank you for inspiring her to dare herself to dance – and she felt successful.
I got really happy (and proud of course) – THANK YOU!! Can’t wait to read it. : )

Yesterday I presented my Tribal House class – and it was a lot of fun. I had some great support from these lovley chicas that came out and joined me for my class.
Annie, Maria and Caroline!

The class after mine was Ruffie-training. Some cozy sweaty hugging : )

It felt (and looked) like the people that came were all very happy with their weekend, and so am I! Thanks again Frida, Erika and the rest of Topphälsa for inviting me.

Now – back to BODYJAM®practice.
Friday night it’s the best of class here in Stockholm – and saturday it’s qw time in Malmö.
And a couple of jam-sessions during the week, I’m guessing.
Happy sunday night beautiful people!

Day II

…at Topphälsa Training Camp was equally fun as day one – and I could tell that people enjoyed their wellness weekend.
I’m gonna write and report more about it later on – until then – a pic of two of the lovely ladies that are in charge of the event:

Frida and Erika! After my tribal house class that they both joined. (and they were awesome)
Thanks for inviting me!

Three words =

A fierce friday!

I started the day by teaching my BODYBALANCE™ at Zenit.
I LOVE the fact that the studio there is just a tiny bit warmer than most other studios at SATS. And BODYBALANCE™ 53 is a pretty tough release (if you want to) so in the sun salutation the sweat was… dripping. Which might seems gross but still something I prefere a million times before freezing.

Olle joined me for the class – with a positive vibe and a great effort as always!
And then I hooked up with the awesome and always very gorgeous Maria – and headed out to Frösunda Vik for the Topphälsa Training Camp.
This is the first time Topphälsa organizes this weekend-event in Stockholm.
It started at 13.00 today, friday, and finishes at sunday afternoon.
It’s a weekend filled with classes, lectures and workshops. And most of the partipants stay at the hotel – with unlimited access to the spa and a super cozy surrounding. Sounds pretty great to me!

I taught a streetdance class today, and the crowd were very happy, open minded and positive. And the venue where we do all the classes – it’s awesome!
Some of the participants are mingling before class.

Erika – the lovely training editor at Topphälsa helped out with all kinds of stuff.
Such as getting Jari miked up – who taught after me this afternoon.

Lena, my co-worker at SATS is also one of the presenters for the weekend.
Tomorrow I’m presenting Tribal House – can’t wait.
And, after that, the rest of the weekend is dedicated to BODYJAM®57.

Have a great weekend y’all!

Yes, finally…

I’ve been longing and waiting for this day to be over – for a long time – and now it is, finally. Hardly ever feel like that, luckily!

And today – as so many times before – I once more got it confirmed to myself that I’m in the right place.
I would never ever ever enjoy a job inside, at a desk, sitting down. OMG!
I’m so happy I don’t need to live my life like that.

And even if there are days that are tougher than others – and some meetings doesn’t always give energy (like today) it’s still so much good things that outweigh that.

I’m happy!
Now – I’m gonna go to sleep, and wake up to a friday, first with some BODYBALANCE™ 53 at Zenit, and then some streetdance at Topphälsa Training Camp.

Today – the website came up for another convention I’ll be presenting at in August, in the south of Sweden. Växjö to be exact.
Check it out here.

Awesome masseuse!

Last week I went to get a massage – with non the less than Ms Soffan!

I’m pretty picky when it comes to massage – have had some time and opportunities to try a lot of them during my own massage therapist training… and then after that as well.

(Far to rare these days though)

But Soffan – was awesome!

One of my massage teachers used to say that the most aggressive kind of massage therapists is usually tiny females. And yes, it is! Aggressive as in good obviouly, and with pressure.

So right next to my favourite thai massage place I can warmly recommend Soffan if you’re up for a good treatment – that helps.

Great massage!

Despite the fact that my nose stuffed up and I sounded like a frenchie when I was breathing.

No – not like a french person, a french bulldog.