
Have you seen this article?!
Sorry international readers – it’s in swedish. But it’s about Reebok that are forced to pay back about 160 millions swedish crowns to american consumers that feel scammed by their EasyTone shoe.
No way?! You don’t get fit and firmed by just wearing the shoe? Shocking!!

I guess you need a little bit of sweat and hard work after all… or like Nike said right from the start: there are no shortcuts – if you wanna have something you gotta earn it.
And you need to be 100% earned.
And I guess that one of the reasons that they don’t need to pay about
22 871 600 US $ back to unfit (and angry) customers…

Do you wanna know what happens when you wear these shoes?
You’ll get a tiny bit taller… 🙂

M a s s a g e !

I know I’ve promoted this place earlier.. but it’s so ridiculously good that I’ll mention it again.

Samruai thai massage!
This past week I’ve have had crazy tensed muscles and a not so cosy pain in my upper back, neck and shoulders. So yesterday I took a 90 min massage at Samruai. The hard version.
And it is insanely good. It hurts like hell – but it’s a pain that’s doing good and I love it.

I hope the pain will go away – it definitly feels better today, even though I’m just a tiny bit sore.
So, if you’re up for an awesome massage – check this place out!!

Tonight – definitly last week of the FUN-routine…! So, brace your abs and come dancing with me.


My weekend’s been energetic, fun and intense – but I guess not as intense as my for my students.

When you attend an initial training it’s a lot to take in, adapt and pay attention to during three days. And the group of this past weekend did an awesome job with that!
So, thank you for your attention and for beeing serious with your mission of becoming BODYJAMMERS, along with your positive and happy vibes!!
I know you’re gonna ROCK!

It was a small group, only 7 people – since this was a training that was added extra in the schedule fairly recently.
So the crowd didn’t have to fight about the attention or the space which contributed to a quicker and easier learning and a relaxed environment.

We were at Sportlife Hornsgatan – maybe the tiniest gym in Stockholm!
(or one of them at least)
It worked out well though, and we had a great thai food place next door. Lovely!

The september-11 crowd of BODYJAM® rockstars!

Love is in the air…

Love love love my jazz class. And the people in it! : )

Now – charging up for the weekend, and doing some last preparations.
Three days of initial training, BODYJAM® – starting tomorrow morning at 08.00
Can’t wait to meet a group of new awesome jammers!

Q’s (and A’s!)

I was watching a BODYPUMP® class at the gym today – and so I have many times.
And I have a question for you guys:
Why is it that so many people – when they’re doing a squat…
They – instead of stopping the movement when they’re upright – push the hip forward so they look like a banana?

Like pic no 3 – to the right.
I see the same thing in my core classes when we squat in the warm up.

Sweet street!

Back home after my wednesday street class. I can tell it’s in the beginning of the semester. It’s a lot of new people – but of course a lot of regulars as well. The best mix!
And now all people start to find their places and to relax a bit more.
It was a FUN class today, for sure. And sweaty!

Monday night – the marketing department from SATS filmed my classes; core and street. They’re gonna use it in a inspiration film. So stay tuned on the website. You might see yourself dance past the camera (or crunch past)


Honestly – I’ve been a bit uninspired to blog lately.

Mostly because I’ve had shitloads of stuff to do – but it’s been a lot of everyday job, like teaching, choreographing, preparing and so on…to mention some of the stuff.
And I get totally exhausted when I read about other people and their “to-do-lists”

So, I figured it’s not to hot to read about days that – to other people – looks pretty much the same. To me though it’s totally a difference between the days, and it’s been happy and funny days. I’m enjoying it!

And, I love to be busy! So, no complains. Never.  
I rather work when I do have job – you never know what happens tomorrow.

The past 48 hours I’ve been teaching 9 classes – 5 of them have been BODYBALANCE™.  My hamstrings are thrilled.
And even though it’s really (really really really even) hard to go up early I love my wednesday morning class when I get there.
54 have landed for sure and the crowd is working it.

Do you wanna join me for some BODYBALANCE™?!
Monday 12.00 Tule
Tuesday 06.45 Hornstull
Tuesday 11.00 Hötorget
Wednesday 06.45 Fridhemsplan

Send me an email if you wanna be my guest!

Tonight: street at Fridhemplan, come join me for some FUN-choreo. Two more weeks, and two more opportunities to shake some ass to Spice and Missy E!

Enjoyed Njoy!

Saturday was spent in Örebro – a town in the middle of Sweden.
The gym chain Njoy had it’s annual inspiration day for all their staff and instructors, at their club in Örebro.

I used to work at Njoy – like a really long time ago, but in Stockholm.
And after I left them I’ve been to their clubs in both Örebro and Västerås for guest teaching – but that is like way back now. This was my first visit to their new club in Örebro – with a huge stage in the size of my studio apt. Almost!

It was a fun day – a lot of happy and sweet people, that rocked in my tribal house class. Thank you for that!
I also got to see the beautiful Anna Duberg, that lives in Örebro these days. She taught a step class right before me – that was highly appreciated I could tell.

Many thanks to Susanne that invited me – and I hope to see y’all soon again.

On hour of free time…

…leads to thoughts like this!

You know… weeks like this, when something as horrible as the tragical plane accident happens – and 9/11 is becoming fresh in our memories again with it’s 10-year memorial day (to mention a few of all the things that’s going on in our world) I feel more than ever that I don’t want to spend my time or energy on a lot of unimportant, unnecessary BS-things.

Lovely Camilla wrote this post earlier this week – I know we know all this, but it went straight to my heart.

I don’t need that overwhelming to happen in my life though before I realise what’t important, so I try to really do the most out of it. Always!
And I’ve become so much better at it as well. It might be an age thing but I don’t think so – more like a maturity/self-esteem thing. It really doesn’t matter – I’m just happy to go from strength to strength.

And, instead of doing things so I can take a photo to post on my blog or on facebook I wanna do the things cause I’m enjoying them at the very moment of it.
And therefore I’m not as good as many of my friends to share my experiences in pics, sorry about that! (and sometimes I just don’t wanna do it.)

At our wedding – we didn’t allowed speeches – for a bit of the same reason.
If I have friends and family that loves me and are proud of me – that’s something I’d rather hear in my everyday life, over and over – than in a formally speech in one particular day when they’re kind of expected to say it. Right?!

You don’t have to agree (as always) – this is just my opinion.

And I do love all my friends, my family and the beautiful people around me that helps make my life pink and shiny – and just awesome!
Thank you for beeing a part of my life, and for letting me be a part of yours.
I know it can be over in a blink of an eye – but until then:
I wish for all of us to really live, experience, and feel alive –  fully out.
I.R.L – of course ; )

So with this in my mind I’m gonna dive into two of the things I’ve been waiting for long enough now – and make a serious effort for them to really happen.. before it’s to late.

And along with that, I’m gonna prepare for tonight’s class – and for tomorrow’s guest class at Njoy, Örebro!

Happy weekend y’all beautiful people!
(Don’t you just long for the season premiere of GG?! I know I do…)