1 week later…

Updating of the blog haven’t been my priority the past week.

Super Saturday was awesome!
I presented the BODYJAM® master class in Globen with Mysti and Kimmo. I’ve been teaching with both of them several times so it felt super relaxed and fun!
We had a great time on stage together, and I think the crowd could feel that as well.
I’ve got such nice and sweet comments and cred about the class.
THANK YOU!! It truly warms my heart. Love to you all! I’ll save your kind words for an ice cold day. ; )

And THANKS to the gala crew that joined us on stage for some shufflin’. You are awesome!
And – of course – many THANKS to all you fierce jammers that shaked your asses and rocked the dance floor.
Vladi filmed a piece of the class:

And if you wanna see some photos from the day – go to Åsas blogg. She was live blogging straight from Globen and she had her own photographer that was taking pics from all the classes.

First week…

…of the fall-2011 have been flying by, 11 classes down – one more to go tonight. And then there’s tomorrow’s EXPLOSION obviously!

So yesterday, I first did my jazz… and because of some music issues yesterday I had to pick up an old choreo; Boys Boys Boys (Lady GaGa) and it was fun. It’s very girly, so I don’t know what the guys felt really, or – I do know how they felt, but I just didn’t care.. lol! How ever – it was a very sweet and talented group!

Then right after the jazz, we (me, Mysti and Kimmo) taught our rehearsal BODYJAM® class. And yes – it was a rehearsal.
Mysti arrived from the US yesterday, her luggage didn’t.
Kimmo came straight from holding BODYPUMP®-ATM.
And, I was obviously teaching right before.
So we didn’t have the chance to talk to each other, non the less check any details. We just pushed play – and went!
It wasn’t super tight – but it felt good to actually teach the class for real together. And then we could clean some stuff afterward.

And – in case we missed our differences ourselves – we always had these participants that actually had the energy to point (read scream) out where they were during class… but hey – we’re in Sweden. 😉
Anyhow – today we will do soundcheck and staging in Globen.
And, I even have the time for some own BODYJAM®polishing – luxury

I’ve chosen not to involve in anything else than my class this year – at Super Saturday.
For example, the annual trainer show case performance – where the trainers demo a bit of each and every program…
I felt that after the past weeks choreographing and rehearsing all kinds of dancing and other stuff – and also with all the things coming up – I just didn’t really have the time to put into it.
So, I’ll just cheer my co-workers on for that one instead – and it totally feels like the right priorites now.

And later on, I’m off for the last class of the week tonight.
It’s a pure dance lesson, so much fun. I’ve missed teaching like that – and in that kind of environment!

Happy weekend y’all!
I hope I’ll see some of you in GLOBEN tomorrow – especially on the dance floor around 1.45! Yeah!

Wednesday recap

Åsa did an interwiev with me earlier this week – before Super Saturday! Read it here if you like!

I’ve had a great evening – and my wednesday street-crowd rocked, as usual. My friend Marvin from NYC that’s visiting Stockholm at the moment came and took the class.
If you ever have the opportunity, you should definitly take his class.
He is awesome! And very nice and sweet – which makes him even more awesome!

A pic from earlier this summer, Marvin, me and Eddie at the Choreo-ton in NYC.


Tomorrow thursday we’re doing a BODYJAM® rehearsal class; me, Mysti and Kimmo.
At SATS Odenplan, 20.00 – in the big studio.
You can book it as a regular class on the website.
So, I teach my jazz as usual and then we’ll be shuffelin into the other studio right after, for some future funk of Paris!

See you there!

HAPPY 20th!!!

Like I told you earlier this week – my past weekend was spent in Värmland – at Selma Spa. It was the 20 years anniversary of the spa and since my original work was cancelled I could join Jonas when he asked me. Fun stuff!

I taught a part of the 20 years celebration class – and then me and Josefin performed with Jonas again as well. How ever, this time we changed the approach in our performance. To the sporty look, as you see.

AfroDite was there as well – so of course we brought our masquerade finale outfits yet again.

The class I mentioned above was a class with a range of different trends from the past 20 years – with a short teaser from each genre. The whole thing started with some squeeeeze (kniiiip) with Susan Lanefelt – and I finished it off with some Britney flavour.
In between it was a mix of everything from afro – yoga – army – old school aerobics to reggaeton… and so on!

Yoga soundcheck!

Kellerman’s resort?!

No – this is the B-day gal, Happy 20th!

Beautiful Boss(es)!!!

When I came to Odenplan tonight – to teach my jazz I met my boss, Ninnie. She’s the training manager at the club. She’s been teaching a team class that she spiced up a bit with this awesome outfit!! Just for fun a regular thursday, isn’t that awesome? (And she’s in an amazing shape, right?!)

I LOVE Ninnie.. she’s like the best, so relaxed and happy! It’s bosses like her and Jessica (that’s rocking my home location Fridhemplan) that makes it easy, fun and professional.
Actually – I’m lucky with most of my training managers at the different locations I teach at.
Looking forward to the fall semester of 2011 – even though I’m gonna stick with that it’s still summer.
The negative people say it’s fall already – I do not agree.
I sat outside and enjoyed the late summer night this evening after my extremely liberating jazz clazz. And. I. loved. it!


2 0 0 0 !

2000 people are signed up for Super Saturday at this very moment!!

2 0 0 0 peeps!
And, I’ll be presenting on the big stage in Globen! Well – maybe not for all 2000 at the same time, but for a few of them at least.

I’ve presented at Super Saturday for three years in a row; 2007, 2008 & 2009. Last year I had a – wonderful and inspiring – time out, since I spent six months in NYC during that time (and I got to present at awesome US Les Mills event instead)

But now I’m back for 2011 – and I’m really excited about it!

So, 13.45 – it’s BODYJAM® time, with me, Mysti, Kimmo and Rachael.
Don’t miss it!

The music of 58 is made to be played LOUD in an awesome sound system.

See you in Globen!

The pic is from one of my happiest Les Mills event memories…


Today’s been dedicated to BODYJAM® 58!
I learned the first half last week and did a little test run of it in Växjö – and today I’ve learned the back half as well.
First at home – and then I went to the gym to practice on a bigger space.
Next step is to teach and coach a couple of classes to actual participants.

BODYJAM® is Les Mills dance program – which is celebrating 5 years in Sweden 2011.
The program has changed quite a bit since it’s launch in 2006!
In different directions – back and forward, right and left.. but mostly forward! 🙂

But what is BODYJAM® 2011, really?
I often get some preconceptions about the class – from people that never tried it, or participated a few times a couple of years ago…

It’s an easy (easy to execute) dance cardio class. With focus on cardio. The big movements, the intensity and the fact that it is easy to follow makes it a great workout.  
In comparison to dance aerobics I’d say BODYJAM® is not as fast and static as (most) classes and the feel is more dancy.
And, the biggest difference is that it’s divided into two blocks with a recovery in the middle. So instead of doing one long routine it’s two or three shorter  – each and everyone in different dance/music styles.

If you compare it to a freestyle dance class like street, ragga or house etc. it’s much easier and much less detailed – and more of a cardio class.
For example, BODYJAM® it’s a great start if you want to get a feel for different styles and then aim to move on to more detailed and choreographed dance classes.
Or – if you’re looking for a class where you simply can get lost and go crazy for an hour without have to think that much – this is the class to attend! Fo shizzle!

It’s a happy party workout – that get all kinds of people around the world to move. And it builds confidence!

The fact that it is such a mainstream class which activates so many people is one of the reasons that I like it.
In Sweden it feels like easy often can be synonymous with cheesy and a bit nerdy. (within the dance based range of classes)
And I don’t believe that’s necessary what people want.
BODYJAM® is simple to perform but still with a feel of beeing cool, fun and dancy! 

Now – when I say it’s easy to perform, I mean from a participants perspektive. It’s not as easy to teach it. It demands a bit of work and time to learn the choreos and you need to be able to adapt easily to different kind of styles.

So, as in most classes, you need to like the program to become good at it – in combination with some skills.

There are two initial trainings in Stockholm this fall – one in September and one in December. I’m holding them both (as it seems now at least) so if you wanna become an instructor; come join me for a weekend!

Last minute change of (work)plans!

Next weekend I was booked for a training – but for different reasons it got cancelled so instead I jumped on a very last minute job.

Selma Spa is celebrating their 20 years anniversary, and my homie Jonas is a bit involved in the celebratory event that will be held this upcoming weekend.
It will be a huge two hour master class outside that will cover some of the training trends from the past 20 years.
And, he asked me to present a sequence of that master class.
So Susan Lanefelt will open it up with the vibes from 91- and I’ll wrap it up by representing the 2011 dance style.
And in between – there will be a fusion of different workouts and styles.
My sequence have a theme spelled B.R.I.T.N.E.Y. – curious about that? Come join me!!

Jonas will also be performing in the evening, so yet again Jossan goes with me for some back up dancing on Discover the night.

Two birds with one stone… or something.