Beatz mingle!

I haven’t told you about the BEATZ event this past saturday.
It was A LOT OF FUN!
I love the feel and the energy that the crew bring to these days and it honestly feels like I’m dancing with a whole bunch of happy friends.

I started the day with a musical jazz.
Lena had a request that I listened to this time and I dusted off my All that jazz-routine.
It’s quite simple – but it’s all in the music or lyrics, and it’s also quite long.
Almost 2 minutes. But I like the feel of doing a whole number. And so did they – it seemed.

BEATZ went Chicago and the floor was filled by musical-stars, fo shizzle!

Then we had invited Bianca to come and teach a hiphop-class, which was great! Perfect level for the crowd (as far as I could see) and they looked like they liked it – a lot.
She’s awesome!
I joined in and took the class in the back, and it was a lot of fun!

Then Mr HouseMusic himself, Robert, entered the floor with his house jam-class. People loved his moves and his music.
I took the first half of the class, before I went to change to my stretch outfit, lol!
Cause the last class of the day was a 30 min flexibility & stretch class.
We’ve decided that after three hours of intense dancing it’s kind of good with a real stretch – and we made it like a dance-stretch to great tunes, and hopefully the crew felt a bit recovered after that, and maybe not as sore sunday morning!

At least – that’s our purpose with it.

Enjoy some mingle pics of our amazing BEATZ-dancers!

Many thanks and much love to all of you!

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