During my NYC-stay in 2008/09 I taught a class every week at thursday mornings 7 am. That class had a really particular crowd, the people that came were always really focused and did not really payed attention to anything else but their own image in the mirror and the day they had coming up ahead of them.
A silented blackberry next to them was not un-usual, just to make sure they didn’t miss anything – workwise.
It always felt like they were in a bubble and that everything outside the bubble was not important, and nothing they bothered to see.
Nothing wrong with that. Just something I noted.
Any how.. one week I taught my class.
Then I headed back to Scandinavia for a qw event just for the weekend.
In 4 days I flied from NYC-Sthlm, then Sthlm-Gothenburg where I taught, Gbg-Malmö for another workshop, then back to Stockholm for dinner with a couple of friends and on tuesday I landed in NYC again.
And, thursday morning I was back with my class with the very focused people that had no idea what I’ve done the past week. Not that they cared or wanted to know – and I didn’t wanted to tell them either. It was just a kind of weird feel.
And I felt a bit the same this week.
Last friday I taught my BODYBALANCE™ – and in one week I have done loads of wedding prep – married – had a party – went to Istanbul for a mini honey moon – headed back home, and yesterday I was back teaching the BODYBALANCE™ like nothing ever happened. But is sure did!
Not that this crowd is anything like my morning business crowd in NYC, it was more the weird feel that here’s a group of people that I don’t know anything about.. and they don’t know anything about me.
And in 7 days I lived, experienced and enjoyed so many things.. and who knows what any of my participants went through in the same 7 days.
And my friday ended at the Royal Opera – with lovely Soffan – where the royal swedish ballet school celebrated 30 years anniversary with a jubilee performance.
Thank you for a superfun event! : )

And now – I’m about to sub a street class 12.00 at Odenplan.
If you liked my S&M-choreo I did on my wednesday class earlier this spring, come join me. I feel a rerun coming up.
Enjoy your weekend beautiful people!