Bring the beat back…

So, I know I’m throwing out upcoming events and stuff on you every now and then… but there’s a lot of things going on now, FUN things, and I just can’t help myself.

Besides two more AfHo® instructor’s trainings (Malmö and Göteborg) upcoming weekends there’s also another Beats event scheduled.

How about this?

Hope to see you, on the chair!

Bliss on Bosön!

A few months ago I did a job for Bliss Dance.
They asked me to guest choreograph a couple of street-routines for their annual stage-performances, so I did.
I was in Göteborg and filmed the choreos in a studio the end of may, and yesterday all the Bliss Dance Instructors in the Stockholm-area had an upskilling – and inspiration – day at Bosön.
I was there to teach them one of the routines.

I’ve never taught – or worked – with kids myself so to know what youngsters between 9-11 years old like, and are able to do was a bit tricky, but it seems like Bliss and the instructors liked it and were pretty satisfied with the result.
Let’s hope that the kiddos will be as well. 🙂

At Bosön I also met the gorgeous Elaine that is working a lot with the Bliss Dance-products.
Great to see her – short, but sweet as very often in between classes.

AfHo® 2.0

Today I’ve held the second official AfHo® instructor’s training – in Stockholm this time as well.
So now, there are 11 licensed instructors in Sweden. How cool is that?
It was a rather tiny crowd – only four people – but the quality the higher and they all brought great energy and strong personalities.
Since this is a training I do completely on my own – in my name and my own brand – without a huge company, gym or education organization backing me up I know it’s gonna be a ‘build-up-phase’ but I don’t mind as long as the instructors are as strong and skilled as they’ve been so far. I’ve got a good feeling about this.

Thank you for today guys – and thank you for making my product so awesome.

Manual to learn – license to go for it! 😉

Next weekend it’s Malmö’s turn, then we’ll do it all over again.
If you want to sign up – send me an email.

NYC-Crunch-Instructors-presentation #5

The 5th Crunch-instructor I’m gonna introduce for you is a native New Yorker, born and raised in Brooklyn; hiphop-dancer, choreographer and teacher Leslie Feliciano.
The very first time I took his class was back in 2006 at Broadway Dance Centre.
I was in NYC for a month with my homie Moa – and we danced like crazy and took an insanely amount of classes.

In the very first class with him, I remember he asked the group if we had any questions, whereat all said no…
Then when we did the routine in small groups he came up and stood really close to me, like in-my-face-close, and of course I got a bit of blackout.
Afterwards he said to me;
– And you said you didn’t have any questions…
?! 😉

Then – we found out that, that is his thing. And also, that he wasn’t so scary after all,  that we thought that very first time.
So we went back and we took a quite many of his classes that month.
Besides BDC he also teaches at Crunch and have done for a long time.
Sunday afternoon at Crunch Lafayette is his time slot.

Check out his website to get more info and to see some videos.

Dream on baby…

Last night I dreamed about the filming on Super Saturday.
No panic-dream though. (they might wait until the week before, hehe)

I dreamt that one of the more athletic presenter teams (not the jam-team as you could think) were told to were ‘one pieces’ on stage and on the dvd.
Some of them got really really upset cause they didn’t want all their dieting, hard core workouts and ‘deffing’ to be a waste.
How about that? Pretty weird but pretty funny and it was super real.
I have no idea of what it meant and I strongly doubt that any presenters will be forced to wear one pieces on stage. 🙂

Anyway… if you DO like Les Mills classes, and if you’re curious about the filming – take the opportunity to participate.
This is the first time ever that the filming is happening outside New Zealand.
Each filming class costs 100 sek (10 €)  – in addition to the Super Saturday fee – and there are still spots left.

I’ll present on the BODYJAM®68 filming  – and I hope to see a lot of jammers go crazy on the dance floor.
You don’t have to be an instructor to participate on Super Saturday or the filming. Anyone can come.

See you in Globen.

NYC-Crunch-Instructors-presentation #4

My fourth presentation – of some of the excellent instructors you will have opportunity to experience at our Dance & Training Trip this fall – is of a fierce woman that I’ve mentioned many times before when I’ve been in New York.

Ms Nadia Zaki.
I first got to know her through her sister, Susanne Zaki – that’s also an amazing dancer, instructor and former swedish Nike Trainer.
Nadia’s originally from Göteborg – but have been living in NYC for ever and she’s teaching both at Crunch and Equinox  – as well as doing her own awesome events, retreats and trips all over the world.
She’s also been to the NIKE BLAST in Stockholm, several times and NIKE BLAST Helsinki as well.
She’s not just an amazing dancer, but – like I’ve wrote many times before –  also a great teacher, that really want her participants/students to learn and progress.
No matter what kind of class she’s teaching.

Besides dance, she’s teaching yoga, and then she’s also have her own classes/concepts like Inner Strength – which basically is a strength/technique class for dancers, and Inner Warrior that’s a fusion of yoga and martial arts.

I get emails and questions all the time from people that are traveling to NYC and want recommendations of classes/teachers they can try and I always tell them to go take one of Nadia’s classes.
NYC is lucky to have her I’d say.

Nadia is teaching at Crunch Lafayette on wednesday evenings – and have done for a long time – and hopefully the schedule stays the same for the fall season.

Apparently I haven’t taken any good pics of Nadia so if you wanna se what she looks like – check out her website.

Fall class schedule!

My “home club” at SATS is Fridhemsplan.
The shabby, smelly club next to McDonalds on St Eriksgatan, with no ventilation what so ever. But with an awesome atmosphere and great energy.
How ever – the very same club have been closed the main part of the summer due to a longed for renovation and today I taught my very first class there.
No more shabbiness. Instead – fresh, clean and very nice. With a brand new hot yoga studio. Definitely worth paying a visit.

At SATS, the fall schedule starts on august 26th and at House of Shapes it starts on august 19th.
This is how my weekly class-schedule will look like for fall-13;

Mon: 18.00 Core St Eriksbron
Mon: 18.30 Street St Eriksbron
Tue: 11.00 BODYBALANCE® Hötorget
Tue: 12.15 HotMOJO® Hötorget
Tue: 16.30 BODYJAM® Fridhemsplan
Wed: 06.45 BODYBALANCE® Fridhemsplan
Wed: 10.00 HotMOJO® Spårvagnshallarna
Wed: 12.00 HotMOJO® Fridhemsplan
Thu: 19.00 Jazz Odenplan
Thu: 20.00 Core Odenplan
Fri: 07.00 HotMOJO® Spårvagnshallarna
Fri: 11.00 BODYBALANCE® St Eriksbron
Fri 12.30 HotMOJO® Fridhemsplan

House of Shapes
Thu: 12.00 AfHo®
Fri: 17.30 Jazz

Hope to see you somewhere.
If you (as a non member) want to try any of my classes – email me for guest list.

SATS Nordic Convention in Göteborg!

Yesterday it was the annual inspiration day and kick off for SATS; SATS Nordic Convention. We were the swedish fair in Gothenburg.
I believe it was about 2000 employed participating in classes, lectures and then the awards dinner in the evening.
From Stockholm it departured a train only for SATS-crew at 5.36 am.

I presented BODYJAM® as a master class on the main stage, along with my awesome fellow trainers Dorotka and Kimmo.

BODYJAM® is new on SATS from the fall semester-13, and we’ve had several initial trainings for the SATS-instructors during the spring, and the energy in the room was awesome.

We had excellent back up from four of the instructors that we’ve trained this spring, Charlotte, Rebecca, Therese and Katrin. Thanks guys for rocking that (huge) stage with us.

The mandatory sweaty ‘after class pic’ – Dorre, me & Kimmo.

We presented release 66 #makethecrowdgo, which is the same as I will present at Super Saturday in Globen along with Gandalf – the program director from New Zealand, Phil – trainer from UK and Sarah – my fellow nordic trainer from Denmark.

I’ll teach BODYJAM at SATS Fridhemsplan – tuesdays 16.30 
Hope to see you there.

NYC-Crunch-instructors-presentation #2

So the second awesome Crunch-instructor I’m gonna introduce to you (who’s joining our trip) is another fierce and talented guy, Derek Mitchell. 
I took his class back in 2006 for the very first time. At Crunch Union Sq.
Then I’ve taken his classes at Broadway Dance Centre several times.
He actually left Crunch for a while but the members really wanted him to come back,  and begged for it – so he did.

The past few years I’ve helped Lina (that’s in charge of the NIKE BLAST here in Sweden) with suggesting  – and the booking of – dance presenters and he was one of the presenters I tipped her about for 2013.  He taught two great classes, street jazz and contemporary.

He’s been choreographing for S.Y.T.Y.C.D Ukraine for several seasons and he is traveling a lot teaching and doing workshops.
He’s fast, fun and I just love his style – both choreo – and teaching wise.

Check out his latest street jazz choreo from class here.

Last season he taught at Crunch Lafayette – just like Craig. That’s the club where they have most street/hiphop-classes. Don’t know his exact time slots for fall-13, but my guess is that he’ll be at the same location.

NYC-Crunch-instructors-presentation #1

So – for you (who’s joining our trip) to get to know some of all the amazing NYC-Crunch-instructors a bit better – I’ll give you a minor presentation of them.
One at a time, here on the blog.
First out is Mr Craig Smith.

I first met him several years ago in Holland when I was there for the NIKE Rockstar train-the-trainer-session.  He was our trainer. 🙂

Craig is an amazing dancer, choreographer, teacher and instructor.
He’s been performing with several artists, like Beyonce, Rihanna and Brandy to mention a few of the most well known.
He’s been working with NIKE for many years in the US and been presenting at conventions in Asia a lot.
2012 when NIKE FINLAND asked if I had any great tips for them I suggested him, and they brought him there.
2013 we invited him to NIKE BLAST Stockholm and he presented two awesome classes.

During 2013 he’s been on a promotion tour as a Hard Candy Master Trainer to promote Madonna and her gym chain Hard Candy – as she’s gone world wide with it.

He’s teaching ‘funk’ at Crunch which basically can mean any style within street dance.
I always takes his classes when I’m in NYC, and it can be dancehall or hiphop – old school or new school. It’s a lot of variety in his classes, and he’s just awesome.
And humble!

The past seasons he have been teaching at Crunch Lafayette tuesday nights, 18.30 – and when I asked him a few weeks ago he thought the time slot would stay the same for fall-13.

Me & Craig at NIKE BLAST Helsinki 2012.