I haven’t been very frequent here during my US trip.
But first hand (to me) is to live – and experience life as it is, in real life.
And then – when I’ve got the time and inspiration I like to blog about it too.
Even more, I like to blog my personal analysis, thoughts and observations about dance & training – more than about my private life really.
US was great though, as always. (yes, I’m pro USA, fo shizzle)
It’s great for both pleasure and work, I’d say.
I’ve had the opportunity to both “just” hang out – and to work – a lot in the US.
In New York in particular but also in other parts of the country.
With Les Mills for example, I’ve been invited to present at several super quarterlies.
Like Poughkeepsie NY, Baltimore MD and both Tampa & Orlando Florida on the east coast – and Richland WA, Ogden UT and of course – the amazing and super huge super Q in Arlington TX to mention some.
A few initial trainings and promo-classes have given me even further opportunities to see more of the great country in the west.
I’m really grateful for all these moments and I truly LOVE to travel – and to see all kinds of people, cool places and different community-cultures.
Since I do travel a lot, especially in work, and not only in the US but all over the world, I want to be able to see other things than the venue or a convention center where the work is – and the hotel.
I mean, if that’s all you get to see it’s kind of sad – and it doesn’t really matter how cool or exciting the places are.
This trip I’ve really been enjoying both NYC and Miami – and I’ve loved every second of it.
In Miami I taught a master class, BODYJAM®. It became sort of a promo-class, since most people attending were brand new to BODYJAM®.
This was at a club where the Zumba master, Beto normally works out for his own.
And a couple of weekends ago he taught an outdoor zumba for 350 people. So, Zumba they did know. But that doesn’t mean that they didn’t like BODYJAM®.
Quite the opposite – they liked it.
In NYC I actually chose this time to focus only on my own training, to refill myself with inspiration and energy, and to boost myself with the best feeling in the world.
To just dance! (and shop)
I took a lot of amazing classes – mainly for people that I already knew. (there’s no time to gamble when it’s just for week, LOL)
I’ve also refilled in a lot of other ways – dates & dinners with dear friends is one of them.
After a long flight back with some more lay overs than planned I landed in Stockholm today – and tomorrow it’s time for some serious business.
Initial training module in BODYJAM® is coming up – and then my fabulous jazz class at HoS in the evening.
Enjoy your weekend people! I will!

With US Les Mills trainer, Justin at my favorite place (one of them) in NYC.

Fred & Dearin chillin’ at the gym.