It’s summary time.
I’ve seen several of my blog fellows doing all kinds of summarizing and if you’re a follower of mine you know I always do one as well, in the end of the year.
For me 2011 have been a year of a lot of hard work. By choice so no complains though.
Quite the opposite – I’m very happy and grateful that I’ve had the opportunity (and energy and health) to have done all these fun, and super varying work assignments.
The year started with the tripple BLASTS in the nordic countries. (Swe, Nor, Fin)
In Stockholm I opened the entire blast with an easy going streetjazz class on the big stage. A truly happy moment!

Thank you lovely Sara & Josefine for the best back up!
The weekends off have been very rare – I belive I had one during the spring, and a few during the fall. Which means a lot of travellling; modules in Norway, convention and qw’s in Estonia, super qw in Orlando, Florida (in february = perfect timing for a constantly freezing Åsa) performance in Denmark… to mention a few.
And obviously – all over SWEDEN-land; Åre Workout, Topphälsa training camp, Blogger Boot Camp, Gerdahallen convention, EGO convention, Toppconvention, qw’s, modules, master classes, inspiration days, etc.
THANK YOU all sweet, wonderful people that contributed with your energy, sweat and hospitality.
And, of course, some NYC-visits.
Both shorter and then a longer over the summer.
For the first time in my entire life I took a break over the summer, five weeks off!! Weeks very well spent in a hot hot hot (and just wonderful) New York.
Some guest teaching – but most of all own training, chilling, living, laughing – and just enjoying!! I totally understand the concept of a not-working-at-all-or-almost-not-at-all-vaccation! LOL!
During the early summer my very own CD released. In collaboration with Swedebeat I compiled a hiphop-cd, which I think became really great, and I’ve used it on my classes, fo shizzle.

During the spring semester I also did something I’ve been wanting to do for a while..
I went to Poppius – and their main course in practical journalism.
It was a great education and I learned a lot.
And I have been writing more and more, professionally, after that.
One of my published pieces that I’m very proud of is the four page portait of Robert that was in Fitness Magazine # 8/11.

Stockholm in august.. it was a while ago since I experienced that! (gotta love swedish summer when it exist)
One of the highlights was definitly our performance at Stockholm Pride, in Kungsträdgården with 10 000 ppl in front of the stage.

The fall season brushed by – super quick – with SUPER SATURDAY as a kick off!

Time flies.. imagen when you were a kid and one year seemed like forever. Now it feels like… nothing, or just like 525 600 minutes (yeah – I know some musicals)
I just got back to Stockholm after a real Svensson-week at Cran Canaria. It was just awesome with some sun and light – even though I’m pretty sure that I will never go back there ever again. 🙂 (but, you should never say never – right?!)

A briefly summary (even if it may seem long in words) of an eventful year!
If I’m gonna share one private event it will definitly be our wedding in june.
A perfect summer day and a tiny, non traditional, very personal and relaxed wedding with the enitre inlet to Stockholm as a wiev. A happy day!

I’m looking forward to 2012!
A very merry HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! I wish you nothing but happiness, love, joy and genuine people around you!
Much love!