Personal Trainer – the (new) dream?!

Guys.. have you noticed the personal trainer mania that’s going on?
At least in Sweden at the moment. Everyone – and then I mean e v e r y o n e is becoming a personal trainer.
Why is that, you think?

It’s not really hard to “become” it – it’s just a two weeks training in most cases, then you do two tests, one practical and one theoretical to get the certification.
I guess it’s harder to really succeed. (as in most professions I’d say)

I studied at the college of naprapaty like a hundred years ago. (Naprapathögskolan)
The education it self it four years – and then it takes about one year of different practices and internships to get the licence after.
I just did the first half of the education. I didn’t like the school or the mentality there – and I realised pretty soon that the job: naprapat1 wasn’t for me. But that’s not really the point here…

Back then the personal training school sometimes borrowed the facilities for their workshops.
And, I remember some of the dudes that were complaining to us; “ooooo you guys at least have four years to learn this shit – we need to do it in two weeks”

Those who said that – they were like the everlasting joke at the school. I don’t really think I need to explain why – right?!

I think people are more aware now, which is good!
Or I thought – cause yesterday I accidently browsed by a blog of an acquainted to me – where she wrote:
I’m so excited for my personal training workshop – we’ll learn all the same anatomy and stuff as a ‘naprapat’ – but what they do in four years we’ll learn in two weeks – it’s gonna be a bit hard but fun.

Well – I like that she’s ambitious, and I believe she will succeed, cause she seems in to it. But I hope her perspektive will change.

It’s like if I should go for an intense scincare/dermatology workshop for a couple of months and then say:
“yeah, you know what a plastic surgeon learns in their training we need to compress and learn in a couple of months.. hard but exciting! ”

Anyhow –  I honestly don’t believe it’s the training that decides if you’re gonna make it as a personal trainer. It’s more about the attitude, the self awareness and the personality. And – of course – the results you get with your clients!!!

I’d never go for a hard core fitness competitor if I was about to pick a trainer for me – cause that’s not my ideal, I wouldn’t go for a cozy softish more of a therapist-wannabe either.. cause that’s just not my style.
Or a know-all-black-and-white-kind of guy, cause that’s just annoying. ; )

I would pick someone that inspires me, by their personality, and also by looking like – and seems like they share my philosophy.

A long post about absolutely nothing impotant – really… more than a clueless analysis. Sorry about that! It’s a good thing you can stop reading when ever you want, right?

Do you wanna become a personal trainer too?
I do recommend personal training school – I think it’s a great way to start! 
How ever, you won’t learn the same thing as a naprapat – so if that’s what you’re aiming for – apply directly to that shool instead.

1 Naprapat – simular to a chiropractor, with an equal education. It’s both manual medicine, but with some differences in the treatment philosophy.

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