Sweet and sour…

Yesterday was a sweet day… at least the beginning of it.

Yesterday’s work = to teach a BODYBALANCE™ quarterly at SATS Hötorget.
It was a packed class – and more than half of the instructors that participated was my own awesome co-workers from SATS, and among the rest it was no more than a lot of familiar (and just lovely) faces.

When it is on the home ground – city wise – but also literally – at my club where I teach every week with a crowd of well known people, that I work with – it can either be just extra awesome, warm and positive… Or it might be just the opposite, a little extra harsh.

But I chose for it to be the first option – and I had a great time balancing with a lot of talented instructors.
And – I love the release of 55. (maybe not fully unexpected)

Later on it was christmas party time with my home club, SATS Fridhemsplan. I’m not exaggerating when I’m saying that this was like the first time ever I could join a social event with Fridhemsplan. Since I’m working a lot of weekends I’m never around – or available for these kinds of events.

I ended up right next to the spinning instructor that thinks blogging is the most ridiculous ever… and he didn’t pass up an opportunity to mock me for mine. 
But – I can take it. 🙂
I also mock blogs every now and then – those who only contains a lot of food-pics; break fast, snacks, lunch, snacks, dinner etc. Hehe!
We’re all allowed to a free opinion, right?

Unfortunately – during the dinner – the migrain from hell joined me.
She (or he – more likely a he 😉 ) have been in the background for a few days – and when I was done with the work, and had an entire day off ahead of me – it sort of exploaded.
So – I sneaked out right before the party was about to begin for real. Isn’t that just typical?
But – after yet another hard core and just awesome – thai massage , several pain killers and some sunday-slowday-recovery it feels a bit better.

This upcoming week, I’ll be here all week and teaching my classes.
This is also the last week before xmas schedule at HoS.
Hope to see you somewhere!

More QW’s…recap

Besides today’s qw’s – I’ve done a few more.
The first was in Finspång two weeks ago. It was a in-house quarterly for Medley. I did BODYBALANCE™ as a quarterly, and then BODYJAM® as a promotion class – since they don’t have that program just yet. My guess is  though, that they will have it pretty soon. Cause they sure seemed to like it. Maybe at a Medley near you.

Last weekend it was the capital-jammers turn (capital and surroundings I better say) to be updated!
Sunday afternoon in late november = dark grey and foggy outside!
The 1st of advent = people wants to be home and eat ginger bread and drink their glögg. 
Despite that – I had a group of 27 awesome BODYJAMMERS that danced their booteys off.
Olle was there…

and he was probably the freshest jam-instructors of them all.
Fresh as in most recently educated. Hehe!
Not as in the rest of the crowd seemed to be fading.
Quite the opposite! It was so much fun to see old faces – and new faces – and that they all went all in! GOOD JOB! And thank you all!

BODYBALANCE™ in Stockholm this weekend, and then both programs in Gothenburg the next. I’m hoping for lots and lots of just as happy, lovely and relaxed people as it’s been this far, the upcoming weekends. 🙂

Estonia rocked!

When I woke up at 5.30 am this morning (about the same time for the third day in a row) one of my first awake-but-really-tired thoughts were that – in about 14 hours I will be back here, in bed and then I can continue sleeping. Ha!

And since I left my house around 6.30 – I’ve been to Tallin and back – and taught two quarterly workshops.
And my tiredness and the longing to sleep was gone by the time I went of the plane in Tallin.

In the jam class it was a few familiar faces from the initial training that I held there exactly two years ago. I haven’t done any more trainings since then – but I’ve been there for quarterlies several times and it’s always fun to see both old and new jammers – and their progress. And just fun to se them, simply.

The BODYBALANCE™ class was huge – it’s the second biggest program in Estonia. And they were good!
So, I’ve had a great day!

Time to reload for the quarterly in Stockholm this weekend.
And, I’m happy to be back at Kings Island 🙂

Monday monday monday…

…in a grey and rainy Stockholm! How about that?

The weekend was great.
It was an intense training since I had almost exactly 48 hours from start to stop. A little bit less than usual.
And the instructors from Friskhuset did awesome. They worked hard and they challenged themselves for sure. And it paid off! The progress was huge. Well done!

This was a in-house training only for Friskhuset – so I had six instructors from Mo i Rana where we were, and then three ladies from Friskhuset Bodö, where I also have been. For their convention two years ago. It’s even more up north.

Here’s the crew of the weekend

A funny note: one of the chicas that got to present track 10, Turbulence, is working as a flight attendant at the airline that’s flying the tiny propeller planes all over the norwegian mountains – that I was going with the last bit.
And she did took us for a wild ride on the dance floor!

She was on the same flight as me on the way back – which made the trip much less scary, and now I know a lot more about the planes.
I kind of like all the private aircraft-lessons I’ve gotten on my trips lately… it’s like therapy, sort of.

Time to charge up for some BODYBALANCE™ at noon, and then tonight’s classes at St Eriksbron.
Happy Monday y’all!

A friday in flight mode!

I woke up at 4.40! Yes – that’s right, 04.40 am.
And then my trip looked like this:
Stockholm – Oslo (Norway)
Oslo – Trondheim
Trondheim – Mo i Rana, which is upnorth in Norway.

And the last flight was that kind of flight I really do not appreciate.
A tiny propeller plane and just a few seats.
But I’m alive (which I’m so happy and grateful for) and I got here safe and sound.

I’m holding a BODYJAM® initial training module, for Friskhuset.
And since we started pretty late this afternoon we kept it going pretty late as well. So when we’re done for the night I figured that it was less than 12 hours before we’d be back in the studio for the first presentation.

A bit less time than usual, but the best thing is to just make the best and most out of the situation, right?!

The funniest thing is that one of the instructors in the training is a former class buddy to me, from Danscenter.
She had to drop out of school earlier than the rest of the class though, beacuse of back problems.
And instead she studied to become a psycologist – which she now is working as, here in Mo i Rana of all the places.
Besides that she’s teaching classes at Friskhuset, and now she’s about to become a BODYJAM® instructor as well.
Just Awesome!

Besides that – I’ve had a pretty rough week. Not really anything in particular, but several minor things that’s been taking a lot of energy… so I’m pretty washed up right now.
SO – I’m going to sleep now – while the school class that stays at the same hotel will continue partying I guess.

I don’t mind actually. I prefere some noice rather than total silence. 🙂

Looking forward to day II.