Summer Dance!

Here’re a few tips if you plan to be in the city (Stockholm that is) for the summer and want to take classes.

Bounce Summer Camp, obviously.
For the 10th year in a row. How about that? Awesome!
I was there the very first year they offered the camp, but after that I haven’t been able to get it into my schedule. (haven’t really spent a lot of summers in Sweden lately) Don’t really know if there are any spots left though. The camp will be held at House of Shapes this year.

Diambra Summer Drop In 
I love this arrangement – when you can chose to pay per class, or pay for 10 classes if you like.
But you don’t need to sign up for a whole package.
I like the teachers and classes Diambra offers, and a special shout out to my homie Hanna!
Don’t miss this opportunity to take her class.

Danscenter Summer Workshop
Different techniques, styles and classes in july and half of august. Check it out!

 The “international” summer workshops at the Ballet Academy (the other places doesn’t exactly feel un-international compared to BA I must say)
I took the summer classes here a long time ago, when I was in high school and at the preparatory school at BA – and when I look at the schedule a lot of the teachers are pretty much the same.
So, for me it feels a bit mossy, and not as updated as the other places.
But it’s a good thing that you can get different stuff at different places – that I DO like, and support to 100%.
That means greater choice and availability and for that, I’m all in!

I’ll be teaching street at SATS St Eriksbron all summer (except w. 30 & 31) so if you wanna come – shoot me an email.
For my other classes, take a look under ‘news’ on my site.

If you haven’t been to any of our BEATZ events – but would like to receive info about the upcoming BEATZ.. sign up for our news mail.  

DC professional program!

It’s been subs covering my classes all week – since I’ve been home with fever, sore throat, tooth pain, migraine and all shitty signs of infections you can imagine.
But I’m craving to go to class again – and tomorrow I hope I’ll be there for the jazz.
18.00 people – it’s summer schedule!

Last week my awesome teacher, and also class teacher, from Danscenter took my jazz class.
She’s one of the best!

Annette Starck, the one and only.

If you’re serious about dance and want to educate yourself on a professional level, I can warmly recommend the two year program at Danscenter, Stockholm.
You train all the techniques, but it’s focused on street dance, which not is that common in professional educations.
They already held the main audition for next year – but it’s gonna be an extra audition july 29th.
So if you’re up for it – or just want to practice your audition skills, go for it!

Nike Weekend!

This spring have been crazy. And especially the past month. Before the past weekend I could feel an annoying pain in my throat and then sunday – I got real sick.
It’s very rarely that I do get sick (knock on wood) like once a year – but when I do, it’s all in, sort of. Like the rest of my life and mentality you could say.

Anyway – I had an absolutely amazing gathering along with the rest of the Nike Master Trainers in Sweden.
Once a year in the early summer, we have this meeting where we sum up the year that’s past, brief about the upcoming year – and also get different clinics and updates of gears, products and upcoming news.

The entire team after a NTC-session at the lawn outside the office of Nike Sweden.


Thank you my beloved fellow Nike Master Trainers for your inspiration, energy and love!


It felt a little bit like a slow summer day when I woke up yesterday – but once I stepped in to our BEATZ location at Mariatorget, Stockholm that changed, fast.


As usual we had a great crew of dancers that filled up the dance floor.
It’s been awesome every time we’ve done these events – but yesterday it was like something special flew in the air. Maybe it’s because it’s summer, maybe our crew had some extra energy for breakfast… I don’t know – but we sure had an amazing day!

THANK YOU all for coming!
Thank you for spending your time, energy, sweat and most of your day with us.

Thanks to our guest of the day – Thomas Benstem who taught a kick ass class, and for being so awesome!

Thank you Gainomax for helping us keeping the energy up.

And of course – thanks to my friend and collaborator Robert – for being the best to work with.

First class of the day: latin beatz with Rob

Chillin latinos 🙂

I love speeches – you know that, but yesterday’s speech wasn’t mine…

Presenters of the day… 

And, some of the awesome people that joined us for our fourth edition of BEATZ events.

We’ll be back after the summer, fo shizzle.
Stay tuned on the Facebook page.

Les Mills GRIT®!

At the Euro Summit we all had the opportunity to try the brand new concept from Les Mills; GRIT®
It’s a 30 min high intensive interval training class and there are three different types;  strength, plyo and cardio.
The feel of the program is more like a team sport kind of thing, and it’s super athletic. Even though it’s 30 min only – you’ll get a great workout, fo shizzle.

It’s not like you should need to combine it with CXWORX® for example, just cause that’s 30 min too – it’s totally enough on it’s own. (unless you’re cheating that is, like in any training)

There are several different people involved in this program –  and one of them is Glen that’s the PD in BODYPUMP®.

The program launches at Super Saturday, and SATS will offer the class from fall-12.

I will most likely not teach this program, but I’m sure a lot of awesome instructors will, and my guess is that it will be yet another successful program.

Synonymes to grit: resolution, fortitude, courage, backbone, guts

Summer BEATZ is getting closer!

Saturday it is!!
Summer BEATZ is about the happen.
We’ve still got a few spots left, so if you wanna come you should definitely email ASAP!

He’s in charge of the registration – so email him to make sure you have a spot.

Our guest this time is Thomas Benstem – awesome dancer, choreographer and teacher!
He’ll teach a commercial hiphop; a MTV inspired class with influences from both hiphop and jazz.

He doesn’t teach a lot these days so you don’t wanna miss this opportunity, I’d say!

I teach my AfHo class – which is a Afro House fusion – with small injections from several dance styles.
Robert opens up with his latin dance class – an awesome summer BEATZ class where you can get the party started! And then you get a longer stretch in the end of the day so you’ll leave extended, lean and limber 🙂

Hope to see you saturday!

1 week later…

And the summit is over.. so is the last weekend of qw’s.
An intense – and awesome week fo shizzle.

I’ve done BODYJAM®62, BODYBALANCE®58 and CXWORX®… don’t know what no – but the one that releases in September – at the same time as the other two.

I’ve been to several sessions and lectures – and I’ve participated in Les Mills Amazing Race, running nearly 5 km’s in my Nike Dunk’s, climbing over fence’s and lifting cars.
And of course – I’ve squeezed in some pool time with my wonderful team [Nordic] players.

I had a great time at my first Euro Summit – sort of an Les Mills injection.
Some random snapshots from the summit:

Nordic Jammers after BODYJAM®62

And, Euro Jammers – after the same session
(pic borrowed from G, the master him self)

Jim & Micke, charging up to try the new program: GRIT!

Mika, Leon & Hanna before training.

Åsa & Åsa after training.

Me and UK jammer Fil Harrison chillin by the pool bar.

Nordic ladies before dinner last evening.

From Roma to Tallinn – via Riga – and quarterlies.
Me and Micke had a full day with the lovely Baltic instructors.

From the BODYJAM® class.

Then through Helsinki – to Stockholm for a night before yesterday’s roundtrip to Göteborg where the jammers blew me away by being so freaking awesome!

Now – Monday in Stockholm – and I taught my class earlier tonight, felt great to be back with my crowd.

This is the last week on the spring schedule – and I’ll be teaching all week. Even wednesday night that’s a holiday.
Hope to see you somewhere!

Heading towards EU-summit!

After two days of pure vacation (well needed I might add) and staying in a super cozy hotel in the central Rome we moved our selves out to the conference hotel a little bit more off centre where the Les Mills summit is going off starting tomorrow (tuesday) with registration and then on wednesday for real.

All the trainer managers are having lectures and meetings all day today which means that Fredrik is super busy, and I was planning on chillin by the pool, and werk my tan but after two days of amazing weather it’s grey outside today. (What’s up with that?!)

My swedish team trainers starts to arrive during the day today though, and tomorrow morning, so I’ll definitely have some company later on.
And – it’s a Sephora in the town so no worries, ha!

Since I’ve been hanging out in the US a lot the past years – I’ve been to the US summit a couple of times, and I also went for the Global Summit in NZ back in 2008 – but I’ve actually never been to a Euro Summit. So this is premiere for me.

I know a lot more of the US trainer than the Europan, obviously – so it’s gonna be exciting to see what and who this few days are bringing.

We’ll be working with the programs that we train – which obviously means that I’ll be doing BODYJAM® and BODYBALANCE® stuff all days long.

The amazing weather is supposed to come back tomorrow so I hope for some pool hang as well.

Of course we’ve done all the touristy things. 🙂


Saturday june 9th it’s dancing time again.
BEATZ goes summer – and I’d love to see YOU there, dancing with us.

BEATZ = me & Robert, obviously, and the guest this time is non the less than Thomas Benstem.
An awesome dancer, choreographer and teacher. He is not only fierce but also humble, nice and sweet as few.
Don’t miss this opportunity to take his class (or ours, LOL)

The spots usually fills up rather fast – so sign up ASAP if you wanna come!

Alive n kickin…

Since I got back home from the US – it’s been ridiculous. You know – when everything happens at the same time.
Like for example;
I needed to learn the new warm up for HoS – 4 tracks, and also the new BODYBALANCE® release as well as the new BODYJAM® along with the educational sessions for both programs.
Also, it was time to learn the new HotMOJO® release, and finally – I needed to choreograph two new street-routines and start with a new jazz.

None of these things are super hard – it just became a lot, at the same time. Which made me kind of stressed. And I’ve had to really stop myself once in a while to not be to far ahead in my mind, so I miss out the presence.

Past weekend it’s been the first rounds of quarterlies – and I did three of them in Malmö and one in Halmstad.
I’ve had the pleasure to present the new releases to an entire bunch of sweet, talented and awesome instructors in both cities.
In Halmstad something weird happened though. In the relaxation/mediation there was one instructor lying in the front that surfed on her iPhone the entire time. I could see that she was checking her facebook for example.
How about that?! I wonder how she does in her own classes..!

This week – I’ll be teaching all my classes, before I’m heading to the Les Mills European trainer summit in Rome. From there – straight to Estonia and more quarterlies, and then a fast BODYJAM®visit to Göteborg, which ends this qw round.

I hope to see you somewhere in the mingle.