The day b4 the day b4 the day…

After the very focused yogi-weekend it’s been a rather hysterical week.
And – I can’t wait for the weekend to begin.
Today’s been rehearsal time with Åsa all day. Kristin came a bit later than expected, but now we’re all set and ready to go.. almost! 🙂

Heard a funny thing today, Åsa told me. About my RB-detox… Someone said to her “I bet she’s pregnant (me then) and that’s why she doesn’t drink Red Bull. WHY else would she stop drinking them???

When I DO drink my RB’s, people take the liberty to tell me all kinds of opinions about that – and apparently when I don’t drink them, it’s worth comment too. Lol!

I can tell you, fo shizzle – I am not pregnant. Not even a little bit.
I just wanted to do a little cleanse and see if I could manage without until the NIKE BLAST.
And I have.. not a sip since december 22nd.

Tomorrow the Nike Trainer Team have a meeting and a product clinic at the main office. Long day – and a good day, pretty great day actually. And the anticipation is in the air.

Sweet dreams beautiful people!

Post Yoga Snooze!

So – the weekend of hotness is over and I’ve decide to give it a go…
THURSDAY 17.00 is the time slot to remember if you wanna try HotMOJO® with Åsa F.

And if I don’t enjoy teaching it in the long run – I’m sure some of my awesome co-workers would love to step in and take over.

So – THURSDAY february 9th is when we kick start, will you join me?

And listen to this…
It’s only FIVE days left to THE NIKE BLAST!!! I’m so insanely psyched!!  This upcoming week I’ll dedicate to the last prepping and polishing, and I can’t wait to see you all NIKE BLAST people in the Globe! YEAH!

Sleep well people, I know I will!
With this little buddy snoozing on the floor right next to me.

Report from the yoga-floor…

Day two of the HotMOJO® is done and today was a pretty long day.
We started off by going through the technique for all the poses in the sequences we work with during this weekend.
After that a briefly coaching session followed, and the thoughts behind it.
The coaching is very similar to the Bikram-coaching;
Verbal ques only – and a lot of instructions that have to be clear, specific and easy to follow – which should be delivered in a pretty short amount of time.
You need to be sharp, and on it – right from the start!

Then we practiced how to assist our participants – to help them progress and improve in the poses.
We also got to take the entire class again, and after that we were divided into pairs and we got to teach the standing sequence for our partner.
Here’s my team-partner, the big boss Jessica.

I was 3 minutes to fast. The first half of the class is supposed to take 30 min and I was done in 27.
I know I can be a fast speaker, so my guess is that if I slow it down a notch or two I’ll fill up those extra three minutes. 🙂

SATS Spårvagnshallarna is a really nice facility (and it definitely feels a lot more like a facility than a center) and the studio where I’ll be teaching BODYBALANCE™ in thursday mornings is just wonderful!!!

Like I wrote yesterday, I enjoy taking workshops and trainings – even though I’m not necessary gonna teach it. There is always things to learn, and this weekend it’s also nice to hang out with SATS co-workers, which rarely happens, for me at least.
Besides the pilates training I took way back, this is the only education I’ve been to through SATS.

Three of the super lovely ladies that are joining me for the weekend are Jessica, Mia and Angelica.

Enjoy your saturday people.
Peace, Love, Namaste & Cheers – choose for your self. 🙂


Hot or not?!

The first day (half day) of the Hot MOJO®  was more of an introduction, really.
Obviously we tried the class as well.

I’m not totally convinced.
Not about the product itself – more of me teaching it.

I’ve had yoga as my own time – yoga in a heated studio in particular – and I’ve kind of liked it that way.
That’s a great way for me to focus, and clear my mind. And it benefits all my other training, and classes.
I don’t know if I’m willing to give that up.

I’m not sure I’d enjoy teaching hot yoga – as much as I enjoy practicing it – or as much as I enjoy teaching dance or BODYBALANCE™.

When I do something I really wanna go all in and commit, and to be able to do that I need to feel passionated about it.
That’s how I roll in most situations, really.

But time will tell, I might feel totally different sunday afternoon.
I’ll go through this weekend with an open mind and an open attitude. And have fun while doing it.

I tend to keep a pretty low profile during the sessions, when I have the chance to attend these kind of trainings. Well – If I have questions or wonders, I ask obviously.

But 1:
As much as I love to be the center of the universe I actually don’t feel the need of it when I attend a education or training like this. Nor do I find the need to shout out stuff I already do know. I’m there to learn new stuff, and I just want to listen, and go into my own bubble for a while.
To focus, and to keep it easy going, fun and unpretentious for my own sake.

I’m a rather impatient person (when I’m the student) and I like it when the pace is up, and it’s running smoothly. Then it’s easier for me to concentrate.
For example, repeated know-it-all comments from other participants is just annoying and it ruins the flow. (that’s my very personal opinion – you are very much allowed to disagree.)

And 3:
I like to observe people, when I have the opportunity to be a participant myself. What approach they are taking in a situation and crowd like this.
That is learning too – even though it’s not yoga specific. 🙂

What is your approach and attitude when you go to a training?


Hot weekend’s coming up…

You might know that I like Bikram yoga – quite a lot.
So does my awesome training manager at SATS – so when SATS decided to bring in ‘Hot yoga’ to their new club she signed me up for the instructors training. So that’s what I’m gonna do this upcoming weekend.

I haven’t signed up for any classes on regular basis yet – since I’d like to see what I think about the concept before I commit to teaching it. But it feels like a pure luxury to just attend a training for my own.

Bikram yoga is performed in a studio that’s around 45ºC degrees (≈113ºF) and one class is 90 minutes. The sequence always looks the same, 13 standing poses and 13 lying/sitting poses. It never changes.
That’s why I do my Bikram training in periods.
I would most likely get bored if I did it all the time, all year.
But one longer period of time during the winter and one period during the summer is what I usually do.

This Hot Yoga concept, called Hot MOJO® – is adjusted for fitness/gym environment.
The class is only 60 minutes and the studio is not as warm, 38ºC (≈ 100ºF)
The sequence is pretty basic and adjusted to appeal the big crowd – and it also changes three times a year.
This is what I do know at the moment – and I’ll tell you more after this weekend. We start this afternoon.
The Hot MOJO® classes will be offered at SATS new location; Spårvagnshallarna – that opens up feb 4th.

Now – back to choreo-practice!

Happy Friday y’all!

Dance @ Danscenter!

Yesterday I was teaching at Danscenter, for their professional program.
I’ve went to their program – a long time ago – and I loved that school.

Besides the three main techniques (ballet, jazz and modern/contemporary) that you train in most educations, street dance was mandatory on the schedule.
“Regular” street dance, street funk (which was a bit more old school) and then break dance.
Then we had this class called “impro & staging” where we worked on how to werk the stage – and the impro was to get to know the music even better and work on the musicality and the different feels and rhythms and so on.

I really liked my time there – cause it felt like the school and the teachers really cared about their students, and also, the teachers didn’t feel tired or un-motivated (at least not back then ;)) not like they did when I went to the one year preparatory school at the Ballet Academy, even more way back.

I had class with the year 2 students – and I’ve met them earlier in the fall as well. A very sweet and nice class, and flexible 🙂 Cause yesterday I had a stretch/flexibility class with them for 90 minutes. Kind of good for me too, hehe…

If you – or someone you know – wants to know more about the school and their daytime educations, check out their film.

They also have hobby classes, night time and in the weekends.
Go to their website to check that out.

Prepping & Pepping!

Woow… and we are up and running! For sure!
Crazy (FUN) busy days are ahead and time just fly by.

New semester means new choreos to the classes.

Besides that my biggest priority at the moment is to prepare for the Nike Blast.
In Sweden I’m presenting two classes;
AfHo – which is a new and improved edition of my Tribal House. A fun party fusion of Afro and House – with small shots of other influences mixed into it.

I’ve found so much awesome music for this class – and I can’t wait to play it really LOUD in a great sound system. Imagen that! This is the very last class sunday afternoon – so come and dance out the BLAST with a big phat BOOM!

Femme Fatale – this is when I’m teaming up with Åsa and Kristin – and after our rehearsal last friday – it feels good, like we have it under control. 🙂 It’s gonna be a fun, happy, playful class.

In FINLAND, I’m presenting a whole lot of classes:
AfHo – which gonna be the same class as in Stockholm.
Sassy Jazz – a girly, sexy, sassy, jazzy jazz class. Here, I got a mission for you who have been taking my classes the past year. Do you have a special favourite routine that you believe the finish dance peeps would like? I welcome your suggestions!
Core/Pilates class – a fusion class with focus on core stability and strength. It’s gonna be a mix of basic core training, pilates exercises and exercises based on dance technique. Get elongated, strong, placed and and aware of your body.
Music & Choreography Creativity – is a workshop. Here, the participants (that mainly will be instructors) will be involved a lot in practical exercises and experiment and play with music, moves and styles.
Last – but not least – I’m teaming up with the funky fin, Kimmo – for BODYJAM®60!

So, pretty much of my time the upcoming days and weeks will be spent preparing for all these classes above. And in between – I’ll teach, learn the new BODYBALANCE™, learn the new SHAPES warm up, do a little paper work.

So, don’t you worry, I will not be bored or sagging.
My busy is a luxury busy though – and I’m happy to do it.
What keeps you busy these days?

Lazy days will have to wait! 🙂

Happy New Year!!

It’s summary time.
I’ve seen several of my blog fellows doing all kinds of summarizing and if you’re a follower of mine you know I always do one as well, in the end of the year.

For me 2011 have been a year of a lot of hard work. By choice so no complains though.
Quite the opposite – I’m very happy and grateful that I’ve had the opportunity (and energy and health) to have done all these fun, and super varying work assignments.

The year started with the tripple BLASTS in the nordic countries. (Swe, Nor, Fin)
In Stockholm I opened the entire blast with an easy going streetjazz class on the big stage. A truly happy moment!

Thank you lovely Sara & Josefine for the best back up!

The weekends off have been very rare – I belive I had one during the spring, and a few during the fall. Which means a lot of travellling;  modules in Norway, convention and qw’s in Estonia, super qw in Orlando, Florida (in february = perfect timing for a constantly freezing Åsa) performance in Denmark… to mention a few.

And obviously – all over SWEDEN-land; Åre Workout, Topphälsa training camp, Blogger Boot Camp, Gerdahallen convention, EGO convention, Toppconvention, qw’s, modules, master classes, inspiration days, etc.
THANK YOU all sweet, wonderful people that contributed with your energy, sweat and hospitality.

And, of course, some NYC-visits.
Both shorter and then a longer over the summer.
For the first time in my entire life I took a break over the summer, five weeks off!! Weeks very well spent in a hot hot hot (and just wonderful) New York.
Some guest teaching – but most of all own training, chilling, living, laughing – and just enjoying!! I totally understand the concept of a not-working-at-all-or-almost-not-at-all-vaccation! LOL!

During the early summer my very own CD released. In collaboration with Swedebeat I compiled a hiphop-cd, which I think became really great, and I’ve used it on my classes, fo shizzle.

During the spring semester I also did something I’ve been wanting to do for a while..
I went to Poppius – and their main course in practical journalism.
It was a great education and I learned a lot. 
And I have been writing more and more, professionally, after that.
One of my published pieces that I’m very proud of is the four page portait of Robert that was in Fitness Magazine # 8/11.

Stockholm in august.. it was a while ago since I experienced that! (gotta love swedish summer when it exist)
One of the highlights was definitly our performance at Stockholm Pride, in Kungsträdgården with 10 000 ppl in front of the stage.

The fall season brushed by – super quick – with SUPER SATURDAY as a kick off!

Time flies.. imagen when you were a kid and one year seemed like forever. Now it feels like… nothing, or just like 525 600 minutes (yeah – I know some musicals)

I just got back to Stockholm after a real Svensson-week at Cran Canaria. It was just awesome with some sun and light – even though I’m pretty sure that I will never go back there ever again. 🙂 (but, you should never say never – right?!)

A briefly summary (even if it may seem long in words) of an eventful year!

If I’m gonna share one private event it will definitly be our wedding in june.
A perfect summer day and a tiny, non traditional, very personal and relaxed wedding with the enitre inlet to Stockholm as a wiev. A happy day!

I’m looking forward to 2012!
A very merry HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! I wish you nothing but happiness, love, joy and genuine people around you!

Much love!

The jamily grows…

The module of the weekend is over – and it’s been a weekend well spent with nine awesome and very sweet people from all over Scandinavia with completely different backgrounds.

There’s been a mix of people that tried BODYJAM for their very first time early friday morning, to real dedicated jam-addicts, from soon to be professional dancers to newbies within group fitness. I love it when it’s all kinds of people with different experiences, that creates a great dynamic.

They worked hard – in many ways, and it was a sweaty group (but happy I hope) that I captured with my camera this afternoon. Unfortunatley the flash was on so they got kind of zombie-eyes. Sorry 🙂

Well done team, keep it up!

One more work-weekend!

This weekend I’m doing an initial training module, in BODYJAM® here in Stockholm.
It’s my fourth BJ-module of 2011 – and it’s also my last module of the year.
It’s a lot of “last’s” these days, right?
The crowd is really international this time, besides the swedish peeps there are two danes and three norwegians.
The entire Nordics are covered, almost! It was actually supposed to come a finish gal as well – but didn’t.

First day is done – and tomorrow it’s time for the first presentation – and the second as well.
As always, I’m really excited to see what they’re bringing.
For me – it’s all about giving feedback and be supportive, nice – but fair and just all over the place to get them to dance their asses of.

Looking forward to a good day tomorrow.